Mo did an amazing job. What a star! Hoping that she will be able to stay with us for a long time.
In the new world of everyone being at home all the time keeping on top of cleaning can be difficult. With added mess of the kids being home and the all around extra use of the house it can become difficult to manage. I for one, have been rushing around cleaning things I never knew needed cleaning! That being said an adage goes that your space reflects your mental state. To help with these I will be doing a series of blogs showcasing what you should clean each: Day, Week, Month, 3-6 Months and Yearly.
What you should clean every day or 2 days:
Everyday when you wake up do the simple thing and make your bed. Admiral McRaven of the US Naval Force gave an amazing speech on success and how the first thing anyone should do with their day is start by making their bed. This leads you on to a good start for the day.
Dishes are one of those things that we all hate to do. Doing the dishes immediately once you have finished cooking or finished eating means you will never see the horrible mountain which all takes twice as long to scrub! The simple process I follow when cooking is to run a bowl of very hot soapy water before I start. Then, as I am cooking, I can just add the dishes to the bowl. This extremely simple change allows me to wash the dishes in a meer fraction of the time
Similar to the dishes, laundry should be done whenever needed. Having a laundry basket that is the correct size for your washing machine is an easy and quick way to tell you how often you need to do the laundry. When your basket fills up, put the washing on.
From your kitchen counters to your bathroom sink there are so many surfaces in your house that need to be kept clean, especially with everyone at home. This doesn’t need to be a long chore! Using antibacterial surface wipes you can clear all the surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom in under 5 minutes. These are extremely important as bacteria can live on surfaces for a long time if left unchecked.
The final thing that should be cleaned every day is your coffee maker. Not all of us have them and not all of us use them. However, for those like myself that love a freshly brewed coffee in the morning, cleaning it can quickly become a chore. Especially for those like me who have used their machine so much more since they closed the coffee shops! Cleaning the machine every day makes for much much better coffee and is also much more hygienic!
These are the simple tasks that should be done every day! These simple things will lead to better all round health and a clearer mind. While everyone is at home, making these a habit instead of a chore is highly recommended. Be sure to check back for more blogs in this series!
Cleanhome Bucks and Beds – Bespoke Service.
We are not happy until you are! Your cleaner will usually tailor their services to fit exactly with your requirements, including spring cleaning and ironing.
Just to let you know we are open for business as usual and you can continue to have your cleaner clean your house.
The government has made it clear that cleaners are still permitted to work inside peoples' homes as long as Government Guidelines on social distancing and staying safe are followed (see below). In summary:
You can be outside of your home for work purposes where your place of work remains open and where you cannot work from home, including if your job involves working in other people's homes.
The full text can be found here New National Restrictions from 5 January (in England; there are similar texts available for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Specifically relating to cleaners, the guidance continues: 'This guidance applies to those working in, visiting or delivering to home environments. These include, but are not limited to, people working in the following areas:
Note this guidance is for people who are fit and well, and is dependent on the following social distancing guidelines being followed:
The good news with regard to cleaning is that the cleaners can social distance from their clients very easily, and we would advise that, if you are at home when they are there, that you remain in a separate room to your cleaner.
If you are happy to adhere to the government guidelines - and if your cleaner has not been in touch already - then please just call the office and we will ensure that your cleaning continues.
Best regards
The Cleanhome Team